In order to achieve its key values East Border Region Ltd has set the following objectives.
1. Policy and Strategy
- to DEVELOP realistic and achievable policies for the Region, at a regional level, and to lobby for their implementation
- to RESPOND, on behalf of the region, to national strategies
2. Co-operation
- to FACILITATE and ENCOURAGE economic and other co-operation between the ten councils and with the four other Cross-Border Networks and to liaise with the Border Regional Authority and other organisations
- to PLAY AN ACTIVE PART in the arrangements for North-South co-operation and to maintain an active relationship with the European Commission
- to CO-ORDINATE local authority inputs to all cross-border funding sources
- to ENCOURAGE and MOTIVATE, but not manage bi-lateral co-operation between East Border Region local authorities
3. Projects
- To ACT AS DEVELOPER of cross-border projects where the project is regional in nature
- To IDENTIFY and LOBBY for flagship projects appropriate for the East Border Region
4. Monitoring
- To MONITOR the development of the East Border Region in the context of implementation, spend and impact
5. Profile
- To PROMOTE the East Border Region Committee Region and the member Councils